Thursday, November 11, 2004

Study: Catholics angry over handling of scandals

The research was conducted by Catholic University of America and Purdue University. It found nearly four of five people in the pews said they were ashamed and embarrassed for their church, and nearly three-quarters said the failure of bishops to stop the abuse is a bigger problem than the abuse itself.

Anger in the pews toward church leaders so far is having little effect on Catholics' commitment to their church, however. Respondents reported only a slight decline in attendance and giving as a result of the scandal; more than four in five report that being Catholic remains very important to them personally
This study, from a cursory review of the articles, appears to be a justification and endorsement of groups such as, Voice of the Faithful. Having not see the actual questions or the details of the study, it would seem prudent to reserve judgement for the time being.


Another article here.

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