Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Babies killed not because they are going to die...

... but because they are going to live

A hospital in the Netherlands admits to euthanizing babies. This is a country which already permits the killing of others.
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Executive Director, Alex Schadenberg, said that this is not new news. "The British Medical Journal revealed, already in 1997, that eight percent of all infant deaths in the Netherlands are from euthanasia for fetal anomalies. This is clearly eugenic euthanasia, and has nothing to do with having a terminal illness," he said.
More and more, we witness the insidious practices of the truly demonic being proposed as something good and kind.

I sometimes envision being in a war room with the entire world map laid out on a large table, as those keeping track of the spiritual battles move markers to different cities and countries. There are sighs of anguish as once Christian countries continue to fall under the spell of the Enemy and take up arms (evil) against their own people and others.


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