Friday, February 11, 2005

Directors Reject Interdict (A Corrected Version)

St. Stanislaus Kostka Polish Roman Catholic Parish
1413 N. Twentieth Street
St. Louis. Missouri 63106

News Release
8 February 2005

Directors Reject Interdict the Authority of the Bishop and the Holy See

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke has rejected the [un]reasonable and generous disingeuous offers of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish and has instead chosen been forced to impose the contemptible just and medicinal penalty of Interdict against the Board of Directors of the Parish Corporation. Archbishop Burke does this not over an issue of faith, but rather over his demand for money and property to bring the parish in compliance with the laws of the Church, which have, so far, been rejected by the Directors.

The Directors, unanimously and with clear clouded and erroneous consciences, refuse to recognize any validity to such an immoral, unjust and inequitable a lawful and obligatory sanction.

Archbishop Burke’s harsh justifiable and required act exceeds follows ecclesiastical penalties imposed by him against the many accused and convicted priest[s] pedophiles who violated the laws of God and man, and instead while others hid and denied those crimes helping bring the American ? Catholic Church to the brink of financial and moral ruin.

The actions of Archbishop Burke, who has steadfastly refused to meet with admonished those he punishes loves, exceed are within all bounds of reason and clearly indicate the priority that he places on his own desires over that of the common good of the flock he has been appointed to shepherd. It is about raw power and greed, and not time that a Successor of the Apostles is steadfast about the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church and the disciplines required by Jesus and His Church in order to follow Him.

While the Archdiocese will no doubt attempt to continue to disparage pray for the Directors and Parishioners of St. Stanislaus as even though some are disobedient and rebellious against his decrees and his selective proper interpretation and use of “Church law,” it is in fact Archbishop Burke who repudiates is faithful to his vows to serve the people, in favor of satisfying his own demands for power,not his will, but God's Will and Christ's command and his obligations as Archbishop.

We did not abandon our faith reluctantly but entusiastically. Archbishop Burke has not abandoned St. Stanislaus. The Archbishop Board of Directors abandoned St. Stanislaus by forcing Archbishop Burke to remove removing the priests from the faithful the parish and forbidding the Sacraments at St. Stanislaus. The Archbishop continues to refuse to even meet with pray for the Board that he now tries to condemn convince to come to their senses. Instead of Even though talking and being questioned by the people has not been entirely fruitful, he hires a highly paid PR spokesman replacement Director of Communications to spin his demands speak to the press when he is unavailable to do so himself.

Instead of treating what is sacred as sacred, Archbishop Burke the Board uses the Sacraments as a bargaining chip polemics and inflammatory speech to incite the people and causes the priests to be removed. He refuses the Sacraments to no one except the Board he holds in one hand unless until such time as the Directors accede to his demands to put St. Stanislaus’ money and property in Archbishop Burke’s other hand correcting the deficiencies in the by-laws and resolving other problems that they have caused.

In the 1800s, Archbishop Kenrick set up St. Stanislaus as a separate corporation. In the many decades when St. Stanislaus was in financial peril, the Archdiocese would not assist ----- no loans were ever given. St. Stanislaus had to stand on its own. It did so only through the sacrifice, hard work and Faith. Now that the Parish has assets he wants, Archbishop Burke decrees that sacrifice, hard work and Faith by generations of faithful was and is against his interpretation of Church law. St. Stanislaus’ Parishioners do not believe that they are offending God by faithfully operating the church as it has been operated over the last centuries.

Abp. Burke leaves permits the Directors, in accord with the will of the Parishioners, to take whatever actions are necessary to provide for their own spiritual well being or sickness.

The Board of Directors, while seemingly always open opposed to discuss the reinstatement of St. Stanislaus Directors and the Parish into the Archdiocese, will not accept the Archbishop’s or the Holy See's demands directives to extort property and autonomous control from the Parish in exchange for the Sacraments of our Holy Catholic Church comply with the juridical laws of the Church.

Roger C. Krasnicki
Spokesman for the St. Stanislaus Board of Directors
The original version with all of the errors is here.

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