Monday, February 28, 2005

Veto of Abortion Clinic Bill Helped Key Donor

[This story from the Cybercast News Service, quotes OR President Troy Newman and is a revealing look at how late-term abortionist George Tiller buys political influence -- and apparently cover for his medical indescretions, including the death of one of his patients in January -- with large campaign contributions to key governmental officials. It is a must read. -Operation Rescue Staff]
**** - Kansas Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who's under fire for her controversial veto of a bill critics say might have prevented the recent death of a woman in a botched abortion, accepted thousands of dollars in political donations from the owner of the clinic that performed the dead woman's abortion.

Information obtained by Cybercast News Service shows that George Tiller, who runs Women's Health Care Services P.A. in Wichita, made more than $20,000 in contributions to various Sebelius campaigns and her political action committee between 1994 and 2002.

Tiller's clinic is currently under investigation by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts, following a Jan. 13 abortion that is believed to have caused the hemorrhaging that led to the death of the 19-year-old Texas woman.
When she struck down the bill, Sebelius insisted that "the health care facilities addressed in this bill are already subject to those high standards."

"I have long fought to make sure that doctors and patients, not insurance companies and not the Kansas Legislature, make decisions regarding an individual's health care procedures," Sebelius added.
Do donations constitute conflict?

Tiller's financial backing of Sebelius, both through personal donations to her campaign and her PAC, and those from his clinic, are sufficient to demonstrate a conflict of interest on the governor's part, Newman charged.
More details here.

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