Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Archbishop Burke's Responses to Catholic Action Network & "Holy Families"

I just discovered these excellent letters written by Archbishop Burke which were posted at the Catholic Action Network site. I highlighted what appear to me to be examples of his extraordinary insights of truth and charity.

June 20, 2005 – Memorial of Anthony Turner, English Martyr

Jane E. Levdansky

Dear Jane,

I have received your letter of June 1 last, with which you enclosed two admissions for the film screening and reception, “In Good Conscience: Sister Jeannine Gramick’s Journey of Faith.” I could not accept the admissions, or use them, because the work of Sister Jeannine Gramick, with regard to persons who suffer from same-sex attraction, has been judged by the highest authority of the Church to be seriously defective. I enclose for you a copy of the Notification published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis of May 31, 1999.

I invite you to give careful study to the Notification in order to understand why it is not possible for Catholics to promote the work of Sister Jeannine Gramick as it pertains to persons who suffer from same-sex attraction.

With regard to the ministry to persons who suffer from same-sex attraction, the Archdiocese has a strong chapter of COURAGE and ENCOURAGE, by which the Church reaches out to persons who are struggling in any way with the homosexual condition. The ministry is under the direction of Father James Knapp, S.J., and Father Ralph Houlihan, S.J. I am certain that both Father Knapp and Father Houlihan would be very happy to visit with you and to tell you about their ministry, carried out with the full support of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. I enclose for you some information about COURAGE and ENCOURAGE so that you will be able to understand the outreach in which the Archdiocese has been involved for some time.

With regard to the Catholic Action Network for Social Justice and Holy Families, I must point out to you that such work will only be productive to the degree that it is faithful to the teaching of the Church. Our compassion for our brothers and sisters who suffer from same-sex attraction is expressed by our truthfulness and by helping them to understand the doctrine of the faith and, like all of us, to struggle with whatever challenges they may have in living in Christ.

With regard to the Catholic Action Network for Social Justice, I do not believe that it is proper for the Network to use the titled “Catholic.” I have reviewed the materials on the website for the Catholic Action Network, and find several of them to be contrary to Church teaching and discipline. If it is the intention of the Network to remain Catholic, then the mission of the Network must be purified of those elements of dissent from Catholic teaching and practice.

Thank you for enclosing a copy of the letter of Bishop Terry Steib, S.V.D., of Memphis. I will be interested to learn about the ministry which he is establishing in the Diocese of Memphis. I am confident that it will be a ministry which respects fully the truth of the Catholic faith.

Asking God’s blessing upon you, and requesting a remembrance in your prayers, I remain

Yours sincerely in Christ,

(s) + Raymond L. Burke
(Most Rev.) Raymond L. Burke
Archbishop of Saint Louis


Copy: The Most Reverend Robert J. Hermann, V.G.
The Reverend Monsignor Vernon E. Gardin, V.G.
August 25, 2005 -- Solemnity of Saint Louis, King of France

Sally Master

Dear Mrs. Master,

Thank you for you letter of July 19, 2005, in which you express some of the concerns of a group you call “Holy Families Committee of the Catholic Action Network.”

You make reference to your “Holy Families Scrapbook,” the purpose of which “was to illustrate who Catholic homosexuals and their families and communities are: what they look like, what they feel, how they live, and what they believe.”

I looked through the scrapbook. It represents many admirable human qualities, such as love of adults and children, no matter what their sexual orientation may be.

These virtues are commendable values. We should all share them. The Church must always show pastoral love and care to those who suffer from the homosexual condition.

That is what Bishop Hermann tried to do when he met with some members of your group last August. He listened very carefully to what you had to say. He understood the heartbreak of parents who found out that one of their children had experienced same sex attraction. He was impressed with the struggle of the parents to continue to love their child, even though the child suffered from same-sex attraction.

Bishop Hermann clearly pointed out that while we can have great compassion for those who have same-sex attraction, we can never condone homosexual or lesbian sexual activity. We are always called to love the person, and if we really love the whole person, body, soul and spirit, then we must be concerned with behaviors that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. We must be concerned about the individual’s eternal salvation and therefore we have an obligation to give clear witness to the teachings of Scripture and of the Catholic Church. In 1975, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a document entitled: “Declarations on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics.” In it the Church states: “In Sacred Scripture they (homosexual actions) are condemned as a serious depravity and even presented as the sad consequence of rejecting God. This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of.”

From the above it is clear that the Church has a great love and concern for the person with same-sex attraction, and it wants to help that individual live a chaste life. The Church never condemns the person because of the attraction.

Just as the Church condemns the inordinate use of alcohol, and encourages individuals with a chemical addiction to get help, especially in AA, so the Catholic Church has a great love for people with same-sex attraction and encourages them to join COURAGE, which is made up of individuals who have same-sex attraction but who know that homosexual behavior is seriously sinful, and therefore they open themselves to God’s grace, the Sacraments and the support of the group to get the help and support they need to live chaste lives.

In addition, there is ENCOURAGE a support group for parents and siblings of persons with same-sex attraction. Through ENCOURAGE, family members are helped to be loving toward a member who suffers from same-sex attraction. In St. Louis, we are blessed to have a chapter of both COURAGE and ENCOURAGE.

I commend you for the strong sense of love and support you offer those who suffer same-sex attraction, but it would be wrong not to pray for and encourage such individuals to live chaste lives. If your group can begin to focus on the virtue of chastity and therefore support in prayer those who are struggling with this virtue, then you will truly become the loving community you are called to be. The Church truly loves you and is calling you to open yourselves up to the love of Christ which conquers all things.

If you want to learn more about the Church’s love and compassion for people who experience same-sex attraction, Bishop Hermann would be more than happy to help you. He could even arrange for a priest chaplain of COURAGE and ENCOURAGE to come with him and explain the wonderful support that is available for those who are trying to live a chaste life.

Finally, let me say that you are in my prayers. I know that God loves you and is calling you to a deeper understanding of that love.

Asking a remembrance in your prayers, I remain

Yours sincerely in Christ,

(s) + Raymond L. Burke
(Most Rev.) Raymond L. Burke
Archbishop of Saint Louis

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