Thursday, October 27, 2005

Christ and Salvation are found at Mass

By Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, D.D., Bishop of Fargo - Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The month of October brings to a close the Year of the Eucharist. The year officially ends with the Mass of the Synod of Bishops in Rome on Oct. 23. We were blessed throughout the year to have monthly articles on the Eucharist in New Earth. Hopefully our knowledge, understanding and love for the Eucharist have grown over the past year.
As we close the year of the Eucharist, my hopes are many. I hope we have discovered more fully the sacrifice we participate in and the gift of salvation offered to us in Jesus Christ. I hope we understand better the real reasons for our participation in the Mass. I hope we understand more clearly the call to conversion truly a life-long process, the call to bring the Gospel into the world, and the call to deeply reverence the Eucharist. I pray, my dearest brothers and sisters, that each of us has come to recognize more fully the depth of the personal love of the Father in the Eucharistic sacrifice his son, Jesus Christ. May we live more completely in that love each day!
Complete Article here.

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