Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Celibacy Requires That Priests Renounce Marriage...

. . . Something Homosexuals Cannot Do
FRONT ROYAL, VA December 7, 2005 ( - Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, has succinctly explained the concerns of the Catholic Church in relation to homosexual men and the priesthood. Commenting on the new Vatican document on the subject, Fr Euteneuer said, ""Engaging in homosexual acts is a grave, mortal sin that endangers the immortal soul of the practitioner and such a lifestyle compromises a man's ability to competently serve as a priest."
. . .
"The Church does not deny that those with homosexual tendencies cannot be chaste. It just makes a clear distinction between chastity and celibacy. Christians are called to live sexually chaste lives regardless of any personal tendency or disorder. Celibacy however requires that men renounce marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God-- something homosexuals cannot do. The Church is within her rights to ask that her priests make this sacrifice in imitation of Christ" concluded Fr. Euteneuer.
I recall hearing Cardinal Bevilaqua stating much the same thing during an EWTN interview from Dallas, I believe, when the "scandal" was the topic of all.

It's refreshing to see that others realize that a man who wishes to become a priest forsakes one good (marriage) for another good (the priesthood). One cannot legitimately forsake a disordered inclination, something which is not a good (homosexual attractions) for a good (the priesthood). There is something out of balance with this type of thinking. There is no sacrifice involved.

The LifeSiteNews article is here.

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