Friday, December 09, 2005

First Ever Face Transplant - Face Came from Live Donor

AMIENS, France, December 9, 2005 ( - Much controversy has been made over the first-ever face transplant surgery conducted in France on a 38-year-old woman Isabelle Dinoire who was attacked by a dog. Covered by the media in recent days, the surgery was performed November 26-27 in a hospital in Amiens. The controversy has revolved around two aspects of the operation and totally ignored a third - and the most disturbing of the controversies surrounding the operation.

Ethicists and experts the world over have been discussing the need of the transplant recipient to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of her life and of the psychological consequences of having a different face. Ignored however has been the fact that the face, in order to be transplanted had to come from a live donor - heart beating and still breathing.
Words cannot express the sickening and repulsive feeling I have from reading about this sordid, morbid, and evil act.

LifeSiteNews story here

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