Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mental Prayer for January 4, The Wise Men

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: O Holy Spirit, give me the grace to listen to your voice.

Mental Picture (cf. Matt. 2:2): Have you ever stood on a hill or a roof on a clear, cool night and watched the marvelous stars? In a far-off land of the East three men - wise men - stand on a palace roof talking of the troubled world and marveling at the quiet brilliances of the stars. In a flash of majestic flame they are astounded at the birth of a new star. And at the same time they are struck with a great light from the Holy Spirit. "A sign," they realize, "a sign of the birth of a great Prince." It seems to beckon them to follow. With eager joy they accept the invitation.

My Personal Application: "Come, let us follow." Wise words from wise men who know the whisper­ings of the Holy Spirit and aren't afraid to listen and obey. I have a call too. It's the call of my King to His service. Last month I meditated on that call. Am I listening? Do I know how to listen? Do I see that my call to God's service comes every day, no matter what my position or my occupation? And yet it is not bound by space or time; I can listen to God's call at home by my actions. I can travel farther than the wise men by my prayer... prayer for the poor and persecuted in Africa, the priests and faithful in China, the persecuted Christians and poor of India, the faithless in Russia, the pagans of the U.S. and the West. Am I wise enough to understand the quiet insistence of the Holy Spirit to give myself to the following of my King?

I Speak to God: Holy Spirit, don't let my mind be so cluttered up with daily trifles that I miss the call of my King. Fill my soul with the grace to be wise enough to listen and brave enough to follow.

Thought for Today: "Come and see...Come, follow me."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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