Monday, February 12, 2007

Religion and Ethics? Another Lost University...

Matt Abbott brings to our attention the inability of University of Detroit Mercy, "a Catholic university in the Jesuit and Mercy traditions", to recall, let alone practice, the "traditions" it espouses. But then, the same can be said about the vast majority of so-called Catholic institutions of higher learning. And worse, bishops allow them to continue to claim to be "Catholic"...But then, that's a another problem...

To the point at hand:
'Just say no to sex with pro-lifers' is the title of Matt's short article...the pictures tell all that needs to be told. How these two women are permitted to teach at an alleged Catholic university is a scandal of grave import. Pro-death, abortion loving miscreants are posing as professors - and they both claim to teach ethics. It is unquestionable that these two imposters would fail the simplest authentic moral ethics quiz...

Take a look here...and then pray for those children who minds have been poisoned by these counterfeits; pray those parents who have paid for their children to be deceived by these fakes; pray for the university leadership who, because of apparent moral weakness and malfeasance, permits such anti-Christian activity to occur - and in such a blatant manner.

The only thing left for such disease-ridden colleges and universities which have chosen to defecate on their once Catholic identity and spit in the face of Christ is for them to be mature enough to abandon using any reference to the term "Catholic" - and if they do not have the courage to publicly profess what they publicly espouse, then the local ordinary should take the necessary steps for the sake of the Church's children - both the young students and their parents.

HT to Patte G for the link.

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