Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mental Prayer for Easter Thursday-Christ's Triumphant Army

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To appreciate my post with the army that can never lose!

The Idea: The armies of Hannibal died in the mountains of Italy. Napoleon led a great army into Russia, and the deadly snow covered their dead bodies. The vast war machine built by Hitler was crushed and died in defeat. These men were leaders whose people, whose armies trusted them, but who led them to defeat.

There was another great leader. His enemies murdered Him. But death couldn't stop this leader. Christ has never been conquered! His army, still fighting, can never lose. The men and women of His ranks live and die courageously, assured of victory.

My Personal Application: I want to win. I wish to do something important with my life, not to waste it on a cause that may lose. At my death, I want to know I have fought the good fight and have won. There is only one army which can promise that: Christ's army of men and women fighting for Him.

I Speak to Christ: Thank you for letting me belong to your army. I'm not quite sure of my vocation yet; but your troops - composed of Catholic lay men and women, nuns, priests, and brothers - have a place for me. As a Catholic I already am a member. Having been confirmed, I have promised to fight in a special place in your army.

Thought for Today: "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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