Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Memo to Frances Kissling: Find a new canonist

Dr Edward Peters writes:
Frances Kissling's life-long abortion advocacy is so well-known (and so chronically unoriginal) that, I imagine, even fewer people pay attention to her now than they did for the 25 years she ran her "Catholics for a Free Choice", a little agit-prop operation that conducted itself so egregiously that even the inveterately diplomatic USCCB, in 1993 and again in 2000, rebuked it by name.

In her recent remarks for Salon.com, Kissling … makes most of the mistakes about canon law and abortion that so many others have made… For lack of time, I'll focus on a claim she attributes to an unnamed canon lawyer: "there is no way the [C]hurch could effectively police the excommunication, [so] I could also ignore it and keep going to Mass and taking Communion. As one canon lawyer told me, the [C]hurch has only the power we give it."

Yikes! Kissling needs another canon lawyer, but quick!

Find out why at: http://www.canonlaw.info/2007/05/memo-to-frances-kissling-find-new.html

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