Sunday, September 23, 2007

Looking for a church which "fits'

A comment in a recent newsletter from Sts. Clare & Francis, a community of the Ecumenical "Catholic" Communion, about the recent 'ordination' of Jessica Rowley:

I’d like to thank Jessica Rowley for her participation in the Newsweek Article on female priests. For so long I’ve felt out-of-touch with the Catholic Church, but unable to find a church home anywhere else that “fit.” Thanks you for letting me know I’m not necessarily alone.
How many of us have looked for a church which "fit" our ideas and wants - something not demanding, requiring little or no sacrifice, devoid of rigid rules governing morality; a 'church' where God's commandments are but mere suggestions, if one even believes that there is a God.

For such as these, seemingly lacking an understanding of Divine Revelation and the truths given us by our Lord, Jesus Christ, the virtue of faith appears to be weak or non-existent.

I was reminded of a post last year titled, "An Express-Lane Belief System?" Perhaps, this sums up what many are mistakenly looking for today?

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