Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Liguori Publications Pulls McGrath's Booklets?

No one was in the office this afternoon who could give an answer or verify this but the site search revealed nothing by "deacon-soon-to-be-priestess" Elsie McGrath.

You may try it here.

Last year, the Women's Ordination Conference issued an "Action Alert" which read:

3. Contact Liguori Publications to register your disapproval for pulling Bridget Mary Meehan’s books.
After her ordination as a priest in Pittsburgh, Ligouri Publications issued a statement saying they would no longer distribute her books.

Write to or call (800) 325-9521 to register your disapproval and request that they transfer Bridget Mary Meehan’s books to a mainstream distributor so they will be available to interested readers.
One hopes that if Liguori has removed McGrath's items, a similar tactic will be attempted by these women...

And if Liguori has pulled her books and items, it should be praised and commended for avoiding a possible scandalous situation.

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