Monday, December 10, 2007

Meditation for December 11, An Hour of Oblivion

A group of editors have published for seculars a collection of volumes under the general title, Une Heure d'Oubli, ("An Hour of Oblivion"). They have supposed rightly that the majority of men seek one thing, to avoid reflection, to escape themselves.

Forget and be happy - that is the motto of many people.

We shall say: To be happy, remember.

Why? We possess within us the Blessed Trinity. It suffices to will to reflect in order to enter into communion with the Guest of my soul. Could my most cherished dream be to avoid thinking about the Holy Trinity! Father Faber says: "God would have His Home in me, His dwelling of predilection, and would I prefer to leave Him all alone there, and never seek to unite myself with Him?"

Walk with God within. Such should be, according to the author of the Imitation of Christ, the ambition of every intelligent Chris­tian soul.

"O my God, grant me zeal for recollection. Teach me to remember. There are so many splendors within me; I do not wish to remain in­different to their presence. A lamp is ever burning before the Eucharis­tic tabernacles. Grant that the spirit of Faith may be my watch light; not that I need think always of my Interior Guest, but that I may turn a loving thought to Him from time to time."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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