Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Will Denver's Archbishop Chaput Finally Enforce Canon 915?

Barbara Kralis writes:
The Democrat National Convention of the pro-abortion party of the United States will take place within the Archdiocese of Denver from Saturday, August 23, with the official Welcoming Celebration, through Friday, August 29, 2008....

Many of these visiting folks will be pro-abortion Catholics — or Catholics-in-Name-Only [CINOs]. Ironically, the 'Freedom from Religion Foundation' is posting a billboard near the Convention Center that says, 'Keep Religion Out of Politics'....

Many are wondering if Archbishop Charles Chaput of the Archdiocese of Denver is prepared spiritually to take advantage of such a momentous teaching moment? Here's why....
We've all heard the talk - Now it's time to walk the walk... How many PUBLIC baby murder advocates and sodomy promoting politicians - who claim to be Catholic - will be testing the resolve of the Church while in Denver? Will this be just another of numerous scandals in which so-called "Catholic" politicians publicly reject the natural moral law and the teachings of the Church without fear of rebuke or penalty?

1 comment:

Gualberto Garcia Jones said...

and what about Archbishop Chaput's refusal to support Amendment 48?
It seems to me like for all his talk about courage in politics, refusing to promote a constitutional amendment that is directly out of the catechism (2270) is a big sign of lack of courage or lack of wisdom. If it is not either, then I do not know what it is.
The CCC said that they wouldn't support Amendment 48 because of timing and content. Content? The Committe for a Human Life Amendment (A USCCB org.) has been pushing this content for 35 years. Timing? Was supporting SB 143, a complete abortion ban more timely, at a time when the state government is solidly in the hands of democrats.
It boggles the mind.