Friday, March 13, 2009

News Updates, 3/13

Some states push back against stem cell research
Countering Obama's plan to ease research restrictions

Haifa rabbi thanks Pope for 'clarity' letter
Benedict 'clearly' condemns Holocaust denial

Chicago Catholic school locks out 300 kids
Cash-strapped parents struggle to pay parochial tuition

ND abortion ban could have national implications
Pre-born babies would be granted 'personhood' status
[May God permit it to be so!]

Catholic, Jewish officials oppose NY abuse bill
Proposal aims to remove the statute of limitations

Catholics ask Vatican to rule on no-fault divorce
Clarify to U.S. bishops appropriate pastoral response

UN proposal: criminalize 'defamation of Islam'
Any questioning of dogma would be human rights violation
[OK - Mohammed was a perverted child molester...& Mohammedism is a heresy from Satan....So sue me!]

Artificial life could be created within 5 years?
Laboratories closing in on a 'second genesis'

Sri Lanka: Bishop warns of 'total annihilation'
Obama's decision reopens debate over life issues

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