Friday, March 05, 2010

Principles and Practices - March 6

God and Life

Of all the great truths - the truths on which the heart of man rests and which guide him in his moral and spiritual life - the deepest and most firmly fixed is that which is expressed in the opening words of the Apostles Creed: 'I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.'

Take away God, and this world is unintelligible; take away God, and human life is a melancholy puzzle. Take away God, and each human existence drifts like a frail bark which has been cast loose from its moorings and is at the mercy of the waves and currents of the treacherous sea.

Take away God, and death hangs over our life's end like a dark and heavy curtain, hiding we know not what, extinguishing hope, and tempting per­plexed mortals to give themselves up to this world when the world is bright, and, when it is black, to lift their hands against their own lives.

From Principles and Practices
Compiled by Rev. J. Hogan of The Catholic Missionary Society
Published by Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd., Publishers To The Holy See
Nihil Obstat; Eduardus J. Mahoney, S.T.D. Censor deputatus.
Imprimatur; Edm. Can. Surmont, Vicarius generalis.
First printed in 1930

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