Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mental Prayer for July 31 - The Workers Are Few

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To realize that I should be a har­vester because I am a Catholic.

Mental Picture: Suppose I am in a position to see the countryside of Palestine at the time when our Lord was there. I hear Him speak to the 72 disciples. "Pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will send workers for the harvest."' I see the disciples sent by Christ into the hills and comers of Palestine: 72 for a population of 500 thousand... "the harvest indeed is great..." Now I am in a position where I can see the whole world today. Six billion souls inhabit our earth... "the harvest indeed is great..."

My Personal Application: I keep my position where I can see the whole world. There they are. Six billion souls. Getting up in the morning. Doing their daily work. Going to bed at night. How many know that once upon a time the God-Man was numbered among men? That He was sent to be their way, their truth, their
life? "The workers are few..." Solution: these few had better be very, very good workers and they should get more good workers to help them.

I Speak to Christ: Christ, my divine leader, I found you in the meditation on the Two Armies. I gave myself to you. When I leave this medita­tion, I will go back again into the world as your disciple, one of the "few." I will go into my section of the harvest. Help me to be a good har­vester. Then you can reach some of the six billion through me... at least by my good example.

Thought for Today: Christ will live in the world through me today.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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