Probe finds misdeeds at Springfield Diocese"Serious misconduct?" Sodomy must not be considered a crime in Illinois...
SPRINGFIELD - An investigative committee said Wednesday it found some "serious misconduct" by a few priests within the Springfield Catholic Diocese that includes Madison County but no criminal activity after an 18-month probe.
The problems centered around former diocese Bishop Daniel Ryan, who the probe found engaged in improper sexual conduct and used his position to hide that behavior."Improper sexual conduct" = homosexual acts...
[But]....none of the wrongdoing involves abuse of minors.None of the "wongdoing" (deviant homosexual acts) involved minors...Does these mean all were just consenting adults?
And I suppose it depends on the definition of a 'minor'...
"I'm deeply sorry for the misdeeds of any priest whom I have placed in or allowed to remain in a position of trust in this diocese," Bishop George Lucas said.How does that statement square with the report from Stephen Brady of Roman Catholic Faithful (RCF) regarding Msgr. John Renken’s predatory homosexual nature?
"There's been a change, a substantive change, in the way this diocese operates at the top, and the vast majority of priests are doing an exemplary job," said [Committee member and state Sen. Bill Haine, D-Alton]. "They were as much in the wilderness in the Ryan years as we were and the laity was."If I recall, RCF exposed Ryan and others years ago and those who chose to remain in the "wilderness" simply refused to acknowledge the extent of the perversions.
Lucas, who heads the 28-county diocese covering central and part of southern Illinois, ordered the probe in February 2005 after the beating of the Rev. Eugene Costa two months earlier by two [male] teens in a Springfield park [after he [reportedly approached them for sex - homosexual sex]...Costa subsequently resigned and spent more than five months at an out-of-state rehabilitation center.

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