But first (as this post has been updated many times already), read this press release from August 2:
Catholic Charities CYO’S New Adoption Partnership Will Serve Substantially More Vulnerable Children
Then study and read some more...There is plenty to see and read.
S.F. Archdiocese Finds Way To Help Gay Adoption
Earlier this year, the Vatican announced Catholic Charities could not longer pair children with adoptive same-sex parents.San Francisco Catholic Charities Avoids Gay Adoption Controversy
So the solution approved by San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer was for Catholic Charities to team up with California Kids Connection, an Oakland-based adoption network.
Even though California Kids does work with same-sex couples, Catholic Charities feels it can help because that's all it's doing - helping - not actually finalizing the adoptions.
Thom Lynch, executive director of the San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, told The Globe he would have liked to see Catholic Charities maintain its own adoption program. However, he said, the compromise enables Catholic Charities staff to continue to assist with adoptions, and may hopefully lead to ``far more children being adopted into gay families and other families."SF Catholic Charities dodges gay adoptions
The social services arm of the Archdiocese of San Francisco said it found a way to help connect hard-to-place children with welcoming parents, gay or straight, without violating the Catholic Church's views on homosexuality.Something is wrong out West...and many already suspected that things would not get any better when George Niederauer was named as archbishop of San Francisco. And it appears that their suspicions are being confirmed again.
By partnering with another adoption service, San Francisco's Catholic Charities will increase the number of children that find homes without directly placing kids with same-sex couples, the agency's executive director, Brian Cahill, said Wednesday.
But wait - back in March of this year we read this article in the SF Chronicle:
Archdiocese halts same-sex adoptions at Catholic CharitiesIs it difficult to figure out? It seems - at least based on available information - that it's taken a while to devise a scheme on just how to place children with homosexuals while maintaining an attitude of complete innocence - that is, it's another group who is responsible for placing children.
Spokesman points to stance taken by new archbishop
Catholic Charities has placed five children with same-sex couples since 2000, but a statement from Archbishop George Niederauer makes clear there will be no more, said Maurice Healy, spokesman for the archdiocese.
Brian Cahill, executive director of Catholic Charities for San Francisco, said Niederauer did not explicitly ban same-sex adoption.
"This is an outright statement that is false," Cahill said of Healy's assertion. "Mr. Healy is, A, mistaken, B, doesn't speak for Catholic Charities and, frankly, it's clear to me that he's not speaking for the archbishop these days."
It also seems that there is no concern by the archdiocese for the authentic welfare of children placed in an environment of homosexuality - which as the Holy See tells us, is a form of violence against the child.
It seems that the directives from the Vatican are part of some legalistic game for these people. This becomes obvious when one hears or reads the statements coming from the archdiocese regarding this adoption arrangement.
The archbishop welcomed the partnership with Family Builders, saying that it would provide for more efficient adoption services "in a way that is compatible with both Catholic moral teaching and the requirements of civil law.” (Source -CWNews)I pray the good archbishop is truly able to tell when words and action are compatible with Catholic moral teaching. Let's look...

See Family Builders here
And how's this for a quote from "Family Builders":
At Family Builders By Adoption, we take pride in the fact that almost half of the families we work with are LGBT families. (my emphasis)LGBT "families"??? PRIDE?
So now, the archdiocese or its designates, in a bizarre sacrificial way, can "offer up" poor children in need to the gods of homosexuality and deviance and yet claim to not be an accomplice...
Who are those who pervert the truth and why do they hold positions in the Church where they can do so much damage?
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