The feisty, stubborn members of the Polish church believed their long, rich history would save them. But the Vatican saw things differently, and now the congregation, which still celebrates Mass in Polish once a week, is set to follow a renegade priest into the fringes of the church. . . .William Bialczak, chairman of the St. Stanislaus board, and others seem to prefer rebellion while abandoning the one, true faith.
If [the church's pastor, the Rev. Marek] Bozek is laicized, he said he will ask a different bishop to oversee St. Stanislaus, and the board's chairman says the congregation will support him.
And it appears that being headstrong and obstinate is more important than the salvation of souls, including their own:
One option is worshipping under the authority of an excommunicated Zambian archbishop who is married to a Korean acupuncturist, and whose organization — funded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon — promotes a married priesthood. . . .That's right, some might actually be thinking about following that Milingo character. What a revelation! Really, though, it's not surprising.
Regarding Bozek's possible laicization:
"Once you're ordained, you're ordained and nothing can change that," Bozek said Wednesday. But the priest also said that if Pope Benedict XVI did laicize him, he would "be forced to find another Catholic bishop. If and when it happens, I will be left with no option."The capital sin of pride rears its ugly and deadly head in the words of Marek Bozek. Such a statement demonstrates a blatant disregard for the souls of the faithful whom he leads farther and farther from the Church.
Bozek said he also has talked to retired diocesan bishops in good standing with the church, and to bishops in several so-called Old Catholic churches including the Polish National Catholic Church, the American Catholic Church and the Ecumenical Catholic Church.Schism, rebellion, disobedience, revolt - and he thinks these actions are commendable. The best thing for the people of St Stanislaus would be to throw out the board members who are more concerned with saving face than for ensuring the viability of a once Catholic parish and its members. Then they can pack Bozek's bags and give him his walking papers.
"I intend to lead St. Stanislaus and continue to be the pastor of this parish even if I'm laicized by the Roman Catholic church," Bozek said.
How many Catholics remain at St Stanislaus is yet to be seen - it appears that it's been overrun with dissidents of every type.

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