Monday, May 26, 2008

What's Your Moral IQ of the Virtue of Hope?

Allow ten points for each question. One hundred per cent means that you are a moral theologian; 90, you know the law; 80, you are about average; 70, you'd better join a study club.

1. What is hope?

2. What are the best ways of overcoming temptations against hope?

3. Does Will, who intends to deny his Faith only for a few minutes in time of persecution, have the virtue of hope?

4. Does Betty, who neglects her duties of going to Mass and the sacra­ments because she claims it's just not her nature to be interested in religion, sin against hope?

5. Does Aunt Mary sin against hope when she says: "I wish I was never born"?

6. How is it possible for Margy to sin against hope by seriously desiring to live forever on this earth?

7. Would it be an act of hope to trust that a friend would help us in time of need?

8. It seems that a person would have the virtue of hope if he wanted to get to heaven entirely by his own efforts. Is this true?

9. Would Keith, who committed a sin in order to save his life, sin against the virtue of hope?

10. Would a person who would say: "I can never forgive him" sin against the virtue of hope?

Answers next Monday...

Adapted from The Queen's Work Magazine, February 1946

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