SANTA MARIA CUAUTEPEC, Mexico — Practically overnight, this has gone from a forgotten small town to a religious mecca where pilgrims travel hundreds of miles to seek answers to their prayers.Yes, Satan is being elevated to new heights these days. He is becoming 'God' for many of the confused and deceived.
Their fervor is freaking people out.
While a similar shrine to a Catholic saint would likely be a source of pride, many residents are appalled at a 75-foot-tall statue of a skeleton shrouded in black, Santa Muerte (Saint Death). Although the Santa Muerte icon has existed for decades in working-class Mexican neighborhoods, never has it towered so ominously.
The temple's leader, a young man with a goatee and piercing eyes who is known as Godfather Endoque, has warned that worshipers might respond violently if the temple is shut down. Endoque said he wants peaceful coexistence, adding that town officials should realize that many of their own citizens are closeted Santa Muerte devotees.It's not "a figure or an image"? That's right, deny what it really is just as the evil one denies the truth. The man speaks like a politician.
"This isn't a figure or an image, it's a form of faith and love," Endoque said. "Let's respect each other. You can have your saints. We will have ours."
The Catholic Church in Mexico has denounced Santa Muerte, saying she is linked to Satanism...Yet some professed Catholics disagree with the Church about this practice being incompatible with one's faith. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
"There will be some people who beat their chests and say they don't agree. But imagine if we had to agree with the ideology of every person in this world," Endoque said.Faith? This is really a perversion of the faith. An idolotry, pure paganism.
"People are tired of looking for religion; people are tired of the priests who make off with the donations. What do they ask for now? Faith, which costs nothing more than love."
Around the world we see they devil gaining more and more followers: the supporters of murdering unborn children through abortion, the supporter of the radical and perverted homosexual agenda, those who persist in the de-Christianization of the world, the researchers of embryonic stem cells and the subsequent destruction of human life, and the idolators of sin and evil...

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