Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We will attack you from within....

Emailed to me from a friend:

Well, since our journalists no longer do investigative reporting and have opted instead to simply write opinion pieces, I thought I’d do an opinion piece of my own.

"We will attack you from within. We will use your constitution against you."
---Osama Bin Laden 2001

Translation: We will use your constitution's guarantee of freedom of religion and use it to install the teachings of Islam, which do not!

The Holy War has arrived. We are being attacked from within. The takeover of America is in progress. A country which was founded on and rooted in Judeo-Christian values. It will be subtle at first………….But make no mistake, “The One” has spoken. He has said we are no longer a Christian Nation. Why is that so important to Obama?

Neither, apparently is being an American. He emphasized proudly to masses in Germany that he is, a citizen of the world not just the United States of America. When he says, "We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For", who exactly is he addressing? Certainly not the majority of citizens of the United States of America.

What better way to achieve the goals of the jihad than to install a stealth candidate, sympathetic to the Muslim cause? This candidate must have unique qualities and must never compromise his background. Who better than Obama fits this bill? He seems to have no background and takes pains to keep it vague and sanitized, despite the fact that what is known is spotty at best.

America has a stain on it in the form of slavery and racial prejudice. That stain is quickly dissolving in America, so time is of the essence. Barack was in danger of losing the primary so racial issues had to be re-ignited. It wasn’t enough, so they had to be inflamed. Once ablaze, that fire burned out of control and resulted in a 90% vote for Barack in the AA community. All this for a man who has done little to advance AA causes and in fact much to undermine them in his short time in office. The tenements of his district in Chicago and his well paid slumlord patrons bear grim testimony to that fact. This is a man who turned a blind eye to the poor and suffering AA’s in his own community.

But America, in its quest to rid itself of racial prejudice once and for all has embraced a man they know little good about. The Party's elitist’s have, in all their wisdom, embraced a man they know little good about. The media elites in all their wisdom have embraced this man and have refused to expose him. Why? To question him would be racist.

The AA community has embraced this man and see him as a beacon of hope and change. And why wouldn’t they? He looks like them and promises that he is sympathetic to their struggles. We identify with those we think are like us. He is black but also white and Arab. He has led a charmed life of elite private schools and has never endured the hardships or struggles that many of the AA’s who wish to see themselves in him have.

During an interview, he made a slip saying “my Muslim faith”. Barack is free to practice his Muslim faith if he so chooses. The greatest thing about this country is that you are free to practice whatever religion you wish. The question is not whether he’s a Muslim but rather, why is he hiding it?

TUCC is simply a storefront draped in Christian window covering. But behind the glass is the pulpit of a few ideologies, many of which directly attack the tenets of Christianity. One of those ideologies is that of the Nation of Islam in America.

Louis Farrakhan is the leading spokesman of the Nation of Islam. His followers are often seen front and center during Rev. Wright’s sermons with their starched white shirts and bow ties, often tapping the Rev. on his back when he makes a point with which they agree. Christian churches preach tolerance but do not have large populations of Islamic followers in them. Because, no matter how inclusive that church might be, Christianity and Islam are different faiths. It’s not because they wouldn’t be welcomed, they would. But the ideologies are vastly separate.

If TUCC is really a Christian church, which is about love and inclusion, how could it espouse the teachings of Black Liberation Theology, which is about hatred and exclusion? The answer is simple; they can’t. It goes against all things Christian. You cannot promote and uplift one segment of humanity while despising others.

There is a reason Barack hides this relationship, for Louis Farrakhan is a radical. Louis Farrakhan was prohibited by Bill Clinton from receiving a 1 billion dollar gift from the Pan Am 103 bombing terrorist Muammar Qaddafi. A gift that was to be used for…..: community organizing. Barack marched in Louis Farrakhan’s Million Man March. Michelle is very good friends with the Farrakhan’s. The very same Louis Farrakhan who was named "Man of the Year" and honored by...Barack's Christian church. The very same man whom traveled with Rev Wright to Libya to meet with Qaddafi.

President Ronald Reagan killed Qaddafi’s sons in an air strike aimed at Moammar himself. Do you think Qaddafi would like to see the US paid back for the killing of his family? You bet he would. Now, America’s chickens have come home to roost….Louis Farrakhan lives in the same neighborhood as Barack, Wright, Pfleger and Ayers.

Rev. Wright is extolled as Barack's mentor in his autobiography. The preacher who was once a Muslim but converted to TUCC's version of Christianity: Black Liberation but Hate White theology. The preacher who taught his flock "God Damn America". "US of KKKA, white America invented the Aids virus to kill black people, Hillary ain’t never been called a Ni@@er, who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki" preacher. Never mind that Christians and especially preachers typically don’t say "God Damn" in church, never mind that the people of the USA find the KKK a disgusting and vile organization and all but extinguished it, pushing it to the underground wing nut fringes of society, never mind that the USA didn’t invent the Aids virus, never mind that Hillary has been called every vile name known in the English language, never mind that the Japanese snuck up on our country and slaughtered thousands of Americans in their quest for global dominance with the Germans.

I say never mind because anyone in their right mind would have written this guy off in a New York second for the dangerous nut job he is. Not Barack. Nope. Barack lapped this mindset up for 20 long years. 20! And he "didn’t find anything the Reverend said to be particularly divisive." His words, not mine. Not divisive??? Well, things aren’t divisive when you believe in them.

And as for Wright’s disdain towards Hillary? Well, she’s a Clinton and her husband kept 1 billion dollars from going to Wright’s dear friend and TUCC’s Man of the Year….Louis Farrakhan. In short, the Clintons robbed him and he wants revenge.

And what of all that money going into Barrack’s campaign coffers? Where is that coming from? Hillary was thought to have more than an adequate war chest for her campaign with over a $100 million dollars. And that was before she got started! Donations she accumulated over a long period of time. How it is Barack was able to raise $750 million seemingly overnight? Who has that kind of money besides wealthy Muslim oil producing countries? Who are these financiers?

His other “mentors” are equally as troubling.

Barack’s first known mentor in America was Frank Davis. “In his autobiographical Dreams from My Father, U.S. Senator and Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama wrote about "Frank", a friend of his grandfather's.” (Source Wikipedia) Frank Marshall Davis was a known member of the Communist Party USA and lived less than 50 miles from Baracks grandfather. (On his mother’s side.)

To be continued…….

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