Friday, June 25, 2004

Bishops in Political Crossfire Over Issue of Communion

In a public debate in Washington yesterday, papal biographer George Weigel said the bishops had "moved the ball forward a little bit" with the declaration that politicians such as Kerry are cooperating in evil. But the Rev. Thomas J. Reese, editor of the Jesuit journal America, said that if the church insists that only people who are in full agreement with all of its teachings on abortion, contraception and other "life issues" are worthy of the Eucharist, "I'm afraid we're going to have nobody taking Communion."

"When we start barring people from Communion, we get on a slippery slope and we become a church of 'saints,' when we've never been that. We've always been a church of sinners," he said.
The eminent Fr. Reese apparently does not understand what it means to be "in communion" - that to deny any of the doctrinal tenets of the faith is heresy, and any rational person would understand that a heretic is NOT in communion with the Church and thereby excluded from receiving Holy Communion. The Holy See has reiterated who may and may not receive Holy Communion numerous times.

Reese is engaging in the same intellectual dishonesty as every other dissident professing to be a Catholic.

Washington Post Story

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