Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Body of Bishops Declines to Follow Task Force Recommendation

The Bishops' "task force" was going to recommend that Bishops refrain from denying Communion to Pro-abortion policticians at the recent Bishops' meeting in Colorado. Apparently, that didn't sit very well with some.

The task force was, basically, recommending a refusal to abide by Canon 915.
Cardinal McCarrick said the Task Force "does not advocate the denial of Communion" for pro-abortion Catholic politicians. While acknowledging that circumstances exist in which Communion could be denied, Cardinal McCarrick said doing so would not be "pastorally wise and prudent," and could "turn the Eucharist into a perceived source of political combat."
One wonders just how few of our Bishops even have any faith whatsoever? How many truly believe in the "Real Presence" of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the Blessed Sacrament? Who of them is ready to give his life to protect Jesus, really, truly, and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine?

Culture of Life Foundation article here.

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