Thursday, October 28, 2004

Bishop Serratelli: Politics And Logic

We are at a crossroads in our nation's history. We need to disengage reason from rhetoric. We need to face squarely the principles that inform our choices and the consequences that follow them. Not financial gain, but truth; not popular acclaim, but truth; not party spirit, but truth is the foundation for sound judgments and responsible choices.

The ancient Greek philosophers gifted us with an indispensable tool in the inquiry for truth. They taught us logic. Today there are well over 200 different definitions of logic. But quite simply, logic is the science and art of reasoning. It directs the mind to attain clarity in thinking and consistency in judgment. Before we make any choice, we need to think logically. Only with careful reasoning can we hope to arrive at truth-apart from the slant of the polls and the prejudice of the press.

Some adopt as their political shibboleth such oft-repeated sayings as "My religion is one thing; my politics, another;" or "I am personally opposed to abortion; but I will not let this influence my vote."

Has logic been banished from our land? How can someone personally hold that abortion is murder and yet say, "because my constituency wants it, I will support abortion?" How can anyone logically say my religion does not affect my decisions on these issues of life?
Bishop Serratelli's complete article is here.

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