Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Bishops' Adherence to Truth Rankles Homosexuals

Bishop Kevin Boland and Archbishop John Donoghue call marriage between a man and a woman the "most basic building block of society."

In an open letter they are asking over 372,000 Catholic parishioners to vote "yes" on Amendment 1.

Gay activists like Kevin Clark of the gay rights group, Georgia Equality, says the letter crosses the line separating of church and state.

"This flies in the face of the spirit of Christianity. They should be ashamed of themselves. It also violates the principles of church and state," said Clark.
The spirit of Christianity, for some, would allow anyone to do whatever he wishes - all in the name of freedom. The confusion between freedom and license is rampant today, even in our own churches. Sin is detrimental. It causes blindness. It kills the conscience. It leads to slavery - a slavery of the soul - an enduring darkness. Those who speak the truth, like our Lord, will be ridiculed and persecuted because the darkness does not want the light of truth to shine. We should pray for those bishops who have the courage and strength to speak the truth in a climate of decadence and adversity. We should pray also for those who need to accept the graces God bestows on them so that they, too, will proclaim those hard truths which are like beacons of light leading us on our path toward heaven.


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