Monday, April 10, 2006

Can we pray for a bit of "fraternal correction"?

Bishop Trautman (gender neutral version-Trautperson), the Bishop of Erie, recently gave a lecture on "The Relationship of the Active Participation of the Assembly to Liturgical Translations". Of course, having barely received a majority of votes as a stealth candidate for the USCCB Liturgy Committee over Cardinal Rigali, the faithful are stuck with him for about 2 more years, I suppose.

Since the good bishop appears to be no friend of Liturgiam Authenticum, we should not be surprised at his patronizing attitude toward the intelligence of the laity when he says:
The proposed translation for the Nicene Creed uses the phrase “consubstantial with the Father” to replace the present wording “one in being with the Father”. Also in this Creed the new wording “by the Holy Spirit [he] was incarnate of the Virgin Mary” replaces “he was born of the Virgin Mary”.

Both words “consubstantial” and “incarnate” are not readily intelligible to the vast majority of those in the assembly. The present texts are accurate, orthodox formulations of our faith approved by the Holy See and prayed by our people for the past thirty-five years. (my emphasis)
Perhaps for some but certainly not for all...And had translators done their job decades ago, many might not be in such a state of ignorance today. Perhaps, as well, had bishops and priests spent more time with catechesis and building up a well grounded faith, the Catholic Church in the US might not be in such a state of turmoil. But that was then and this is now and we are obliged to pray for bishops and priests who think like Bishop Trautman...

If you have the stomach for the bishop's "wisdom", you can read what all he has to say here...It might even be a worthwhile penance for some.

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