Friday, June 30, 2006

The "Have it your way" church....

Someone forwarded me the most recent Weekly Newsletter from Sts. Clare & Francis Ecumenical Catholic Community which contained this little nugget:

COMMUNITY CORNER…our family news

This is Gay Pride Week (???!!!) When you look at the progress of the Roman Catholic Church in the past two centuries, it's hard to feel very proud. In honor or memory of all the pain and suffering inflicted on gays and lesbians and, since it is Pride week, I wish everyone who chooses should log on to www.catholicactionnetwork.

When on that screen, click on Holy Families, then click on Read, then click on Correspondence with Archbishop Burke and read the letters to him that began in April of 2004 and continue in futility to this day.

His response is to encourage gays and lesbians to join a group called COURAGE to help them live a chaste life in order to open themselves to God's Grace and the families unfortunate enough to have a homosexual relative are to join COURAGE to learn how to tolerate this problem.

I just thank the Lord and God I have always loved and tried to serve, that he let [sic] me to Sts. Clare and Francis!! And I thank all of its members that have accepted me just as I am. I just wish each member would feel loved and hugged from those of us in the parish that are gay in celebration of Gay Pride Week. I cherish every member there. GOD BLESS THE ECC!!!!! – Judie Nauert

[Emphasis and links added, otherwise no changes were made]
First off, I'm confused about this "progress of the Roman Catholic Church in the past two centuries"...Perhaps she meant " past two millenia"?

Secondly, as an apparent member of "Sts. Clare & Francis", why would she feel ashamed of the "Roman Catholic Church"? Since the Catholic Church has continued to proclaim the truth about the immorality of homosexual acts, despite the repeated calls for change by an anti-family, pro-death culture, all Catholics should be thankful that the Holy Spirit continues to guide the Church in faith and morals.

...according to the objective moral order, homosexual relations are acts which lack an essential and indispensable finality. In Sacred Scripture they are condemned as a serious depravity and even presented as the sad consequence of rejecting God. This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of. [Persona Humana, CDF, 1975]

Archbishop Burke is ridiculed for proclaiming the truth and counselling others to seek the assistance of COURAGE...His advice is "futile" only to those who choose to reject God and continue lifestyles which are opposed to the natural and moral laws. For these people, we must continue to pray and offer reparations.

Unfortunately, sin results, not only in loss of God's grace, but in blindness and slavery. Being accepted and feeling "loved" and "hugged" comes not from one's intellect and will, but from the emotions. True and authentic love desires the highest and best for the sake of the beloved - and that is heaven, eternity with God. One cannot truthfully maintain that he loves another while confirming the one he claims to love in his sinfulness and rejection of God. To do so is to live a lie and it demonstrates that he is really not concerned with the beloved's well being.

Archbishop Burke, in reiterating the teachings of Christ and His Church, is expressing his love and compassion to those who suffer from same sex attractions. If he did not call them to live a life of chastity and virtue, he would not be following in the footsteps of Christ, Who says to all of us, "Go, and sin no more."

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