Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 25-Doing My Part

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask:To think straight about this important matter and to live out what I think.

The Idea: Organizations are built to get things done in an organized, orderly way. If the things to be done aren't important, it doesn't much matter how poor the organization is. But when the things to be done are tremendously important, then it becomes tremendously important that the organization be really good, really orderly, really organized.

My Personal Application: One of the really im­portant organizations I belong to is my parish. It was built to do the important job of providing for the Sacramental life of the parish and passing on the faith. Is my parish orderly, well organized, running well? That depends pretty much on me. Am I doing my part for my community of faith? Am I praying, co­operating, trying to become more like Christ, following in His footsteps?

I Speak to God: Perhaps I begin to see what they mean when they say I should look on those placed over me as taking your place. If you want an organization to do a job, you want everyone in that organization to do his part of the job, to pull to­gether with everybody else until the job is done. In my parish, school, and community that would mean following the directions of pastors, teachers, civil authoristies, obeying rules, etc. I'm sorry, I just didn't think much about it before...

Thought for Today: To resist true authority is to resist God.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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