Monday, October 16, 2006

Missouri Amendment 2: All Trick, No Treat

From the Bioethics Defense Fund:

Over 80% of Missourians oppose human cloning, and 100% oppose being played for a fool by tricky lawyers who drafted Amendment 2. Take a look for yourself, Show Me State. Everyone else, hold one to your wallet if this wins on November 7 because this hoax will be coming to a State near you.

1. Deceptive. Section 2 says it bans cloning. The trick is in Section 6 which gives biotech firms the constitutional right to conduct “somatic cell nuclear transfer,” the scientific definition for cloning; the same method used to clone Dolly the sheep...

2. Daughters. Section 2 says human eggs may not be bought or sold. The trick is in Section 6(17) which gives biotech firms the right to pay our cash-strapped daughters thousands of dollars to harvest their eggs, which will be needed in the millions for the kind of unethical experimentation this amendment would allow...

3. Dollars. Amendment 2 gives biotech special interests a blank check to do human cloning at taxpayer expense, but this isn’t mentioned in the 100-word ballot summary...

For more information on the ballot deception click here.
“The ballot summary [of Amendment 2] will tend to mislead those who are philosophically opposed to all nuclear transfer… nuclear transfer is cloning.”
— Judge James Smart, Missouri Court of Appeals

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