Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mental Prayer for March 16, Unity of the Mystical Christ

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Lord, help me to realize that we, as faithful and united Catholics, are Christ to the men of our times.

The Idea: The brothers and sisters of the same family are very close to each other. Why? They have the same blood, the same source of life. They have been brought up in the same home, with the same ideas and the same way of doing things. They have the same mannerisms; some­times they even look alike.

As Catholics we are all united with Christ, the source of our super­natural life of sanctifying grace. And because we are from Christ, because we are members of the Mystical Christ, we are closely united with each other. The girl in the next row at school, the boy halfway down the block, the catechist in India, the parish priest, the little old lady in the front pew in church - all of them are very close to me because they are very close to Christ. Are they as close as brothers and sisters?

They are closer. We are so closely united that we have the same life - not merely the same blood and inherited traits, but the very same life: Christ's life, the supernatural life, sanctifying grace. His life is in us all.

My Personal Application: Do I give strength, sup­port, help to other Catholics linked together with me as members of one Body? Would modern pagans, observing what I do and say concerning my fellow Catholics, say what the ancient pagans used to say? - "See how those Christians love one another!"

I Speak to God: Lord, let me not forget that when men see us Catholics acting, they see the Mystical Christ. We are Christ to the men of our times.

Thought for Today: "See how they love one another!"
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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