Rosalind Moss
A Jewish woman who journeyed through Evangelical Protestantism into the Catholic Church
From a Jewish background, the direction of Rosalind’s life was dramatically altered in her adult years when she embraced Jesus as the Messiah of the Jewish people. Her initial conversion took her from a 15-year business career as a successful executive with corporations in New York and California to full-time Evangelical ministry, earning a master's degree in Ministry from Talbot Theological Seminary.
A series of events in the summer of 1990 set her on a compelling course to find out if the Catholic Church is in fact the Church Christ established 2,000 years ago. After an intensive and heart-wrenching search, and 18 years of Evangelical Protestantism, she entered the Catholic Church at Easter 1995.
As a member of St. Joseph Radio’s Speaker’s Bureau and now as a staff apologist with Catholic Answers, Rosalind travels the world speaking and teaching through parishes, conferences, women’s and family retreats, books and publications, TV and radio. She is the editor of Home at Last: 11 Who Found Their Way to the Catholic Church, which includes her own journey to the Church. She appeared on EWTN’s “Journey Home” program and is a frequent guest on “St. Joseph Radio Presents.” In addition to her semi-monthly radio program, “From the Heart” on “Catholic Answers Live”, Rosalind co-hosts EWTN’s “Household of Faith” and “Now that We’re Catholic!”
Come and hear Rosalind share her enthusiasm for the Catholic Faith!
Holy Mass & Two dynamic talks by Rosalind Moss
* Old St. Ferdinand Shrine Tour
* Spiritual and Educational Materials Available
Saturday, May 12, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Historic Old St. Ferdinand Shrine * 1 Rue Saint Francois Florissant, MO
Free will offerings appreciated. * Please call 636-244-0089 for more information.
Sponsored by St. Joseph Radio and the Friends of the Old St. Ferdinand Shrine
Tune in to “St. Joseph Radio Presents” live every Saturday at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern) on Shortwave, AM/FM, Internet and Sirius Satellite Radio
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