Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Mental Prayer for Holy Thursday

The Holy Eucharist

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To grow each day in my friendship with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Mental Picture: The supper room of Jesus' fare­well meal with His Apostles... listen! "Only a little while longer am I with you; you will miss me. Where I am going you cannot come at present to follow me. I am going home; because I tell you this, sorrow fills your heart... sorrow which you can't remedy."

If men are to be saved, Jesus must die. But if He dies, men are left on earth without Him. Must it be one or the other? Yes, for anyone but God! For taking bread, He said, "Take and eat; this is my Body." Then taking the cup of wine He said, "Take and drink; this is my Blood. Do this in commemoration of me."

My Personal Application: Can I doubt that Christ wants to be with me? Making Himself present in the Eucharist was the last thing He did for men before He went to death for us. And He chose to remain as bread - bread that can be multiplied all over the world... that can be seen... touched... eaten by all. Who can be afraid of bread? And yet this bread is Christ, the infinite God.

I Speak to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: Dear Lord, I realize how often in the past I have avoided you, how often I have preferred little insignificant things - breakfast at home, a few minutes extra of sleep, or not to have people think I was pious - to you. I am ashamed! Dear Lord, you know how weak I am; give me the grace at least to want to be with you always. Lord, don't let anything keep me away from you.

Thought for Today: This is my Body; this is my Blood.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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