Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Bishop Vasa: Lessons in Obedience...

Lessons in obedience and God's will are part of daily life

BEND — Discerning and discovering God’s will is one thing; determining what one will do once that will is known or manifested is quite another...

There are some, especially some in the Church, who claim that the opinions of those members of the 1968 papal commission who proposed that contraception should be acceptable, needed to be heeded and followed.

Instead, Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical, “Humanae Vitae,” concerning the transmission of human life, in which the longstanding teaching of the Church which proscribes the use of artificial contraception was reaffirmed. God’s will had been manifested. Yet, despite that encyclical, now approaching its 40th anniversary, many in the Church have determined that God’s will for them is that they not listen to or heed this voice of the Church...
Bishop Vasa relates an ordeal with a county planning board which nade a decision on a matter not to his liking...Nevertheless he acknowledges that he is required to obey the ruling - despite the fact that he disagrees with it. But this decision does not bear the mark of infallibility as does Humanae Vitae.

He offers an interesting and easy to understand perspective, especially for those who think disobedience is the answer.

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