Monday, December 17, 2007

Just for Today, December 18

I offer to Thee all the good I have, though very little and imperfect; that Thou mayest make it better, and sanctify it; that Thou mayest be pleased with it, and make it acceptable to Thee, and perfect it more and more; and mayest moreover bring me, who am a slothful and unprofitable wretch, to a good and happy end.
- Bk. IV, ch. ix.

(Christ.) Do what lieth in thee, and do it diligently; not out of custom, nor for necessity, but with fear and reverence and affection. I will supply what is wanting in thee.
- Ibid., ch. xii.

Having read the following passage: All mercy shall make a place for every man according to the merit of his works (Ecclus. xvi, 15), one of the novices asked her young mistress why there was mention of merit, when St Paul tells us that we are justified freely by grace (Rom. iii, 24)?

The Saint explained that although hope pushed to its furthest limits is made up of self-surrender and trust in God, yet it feeds on the spirit of sacrifice: "We must do all in our power, be generous in our efforts, always deny ourselves, in short, prove our love by doing our utmost. But as our achievements are worth very little, it is necessary to put our whole trust in Him who can sanctify our work, and own that we are unprofitable servants (Luke xvii, 10), hoping by God's grace to re­ceive what is lacking in us."
- Esprit de Sainte Therese
For a List of Abbreviations, see this post.
Adapted from Just For Today(©1943 Burns & Oates)
Nihil Obstat: Reginaldus Phillips, S.T.L.,Censor deputatus
Imprimatur: Edwardus Myers, Vic. Cap.

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