Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Meditation for January 3, Follow the Star

Many, no doubt, saw the star in the Orient; all remarked, "What a magnificent star! It is really extraordinary!" But the Magi alone decided to follow it.

Some of the townspeople criticized them. "They are in too great a hurry," they said. "Why do they take such a risk without more certainty? Let us wait until we are better informed." They did not say, "Let us follow them that we too may adore the King of the Jews."

The Magi saw; they set out. What noble, dauntless courage!

And what faith! On the way they ask, Where is He that is born king of the Jews? (Matt. ii, 2.) And when they are at Bethlehem: We are come to adore Him. They profess aloud His divinity and lay at His feet the treasures they brought with them.

What a lesson for me!

Do I see the star? Yes, every day I discern more or less dis­tinctly, and sometimes even with perfect clearness, God's special invitations. Yes, this would be a beautiful act of virtue; it would be well to follow that inspiration; to omit that act of vanity; to sacrifice that comfort; to answer that call to intimate recollection....

And that is as far as I go. Instead of setting out, I am content to look; sometimes, lest the invitation be too pressing, I neglect to look.... How disconcertingly true! I see it only too well! I lack courage; my life is paved with good intentions which never materialize. I spend my life in being just a capable person, remaining forever in a state of immobility and stagnation.

"Magi come from afar, teach me that I can find Jesus only when I leave my Orient; that I will arrive in Bethlehem only after a long peril­ous journey, that I must no longer remain here, but set last!"
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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