Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meditation for February 14, Love Inspires Knowledge

If I must have at least a slight knowledge of a person to love him, it is certain that the love this knowledge inspires will incite me with a desire to know him even better.

The more I love Our Lord the more I will desire to know all I can about Him; to know what He was thinking and doing at Beth­lehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Gethsemane and Calvary; why he performed this deed, spoke this word, worked this miracle. A bet­ter knowledge of each detail will incite my affection to greater ardor.

My increased love will stimulate a holy curiosity. From height to height I will go, and to what sublime knowledge may I not hope to attain? Knowledge increases love and love urges me on to even greater knowledge.

"O Lord, awaken in me the dynamic power of desire. Your servant St. Augustine said: 'My God, grant that I may know myself, that I may know Thee!' I say with him: 'May I know myself, that I may know You.' I long to love You. I love You already, but how very little! Intensify my love, and however weak it may be, reward it with an ever increasing desire to love You more."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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