Monday, June 02, 2008

Meditation for June 3, The Gift of Piety

To say that a soul possesses the Gift of Piety does not mean that it is pious in the ordinary sense of the word but rather that it lives in an habitual disposition of devoted love.

In practice, this habitual disposition begets a manifestly eager recourse to prayer and contact with God, particularly in difficulties or after a serious fall; cheerful fidelity in fulfiling all my duties under the eyes of God, solely for His good pleasure; absolute con­viction that His mercy will assist me in all my interior trials, that His paternal indulgence will cover all my wretchedness; finally a steady poise in all the occurrences of life which will never frighten me, no matter how incomprehensible they may seem - a father is always a father.

It will also give rise to childlike gratitude for all the marks of God's goodness, my apostolic successes, interior lights and conso­lations, holy friendships, and numerous other favors.

O Holy Spirit, animate my religious life with true piety. I do not want to be a coward when it comes to serving God. When I was in the world I was considered pious, now that I live the religous life, can it be said that I serve You less well? Oh, I am only too well aware that I possess in a very slight degree, if at all, those virtues which true piety implies - thirst for contact with God, ardent and cheerful fidelity in accomplishing my duty, absolute abandonment, and complete surrender of my all into the hands of Providence.

Give me all that!
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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