Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kleba Comments on Meeting with Archbishop Burke?

This was posted, I assume, some time ago, but I just came across it.
For your reading pleasure, presumably, from the Pastor of St Cronan parish. Continued here....


thetimman said...

I think it is a mistake to disseminate those notes. I believe that they are not accurate in many important respects and thus may give people the wrong idea about the substance of the meeting and the Archbishop's comments.

It doesn't place Kleba in a good light, obviously--and of course you could say he deserves it-- but it seems kind of sad and unseemly.

Anonymous said...

Whew! What an exhausting effort that was! I can only ask what's wrong with this guy? It's all about "him" is it not?

And the site where this is posted is just as ridiculous. But then, as I recall, Kleba was one priest who went to St Stanislaus to lend his support or congratulations to Marek Bozek, wasn't he?

Anonymous said...

The first priest in the archdiocese to have a hybrid car? I'll notify algore - shouldn't there will be some special ceremony to recognize him for this? Tomas, I understand what you mean - reading that was beyond tedious, but very enlightening ;)