Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ask YouTube to Pull "Host Desecration" Videos

From America Needs Fatima:

An individual put 40 videos on YouTube showing Consecrated Hosts being stepped on, burned, stapled, smoked and nailed to a stick. He even fed the Holy Eucharist to ducks and flushed It down the toilet. Horrific!

On his site, the blasphemer says:
“From now on, one Eucharist desecration a day, and each day a different method. If they want blasphem[y], we'll give 'em blasphem[y].”
Since I know you would like to stop these desecrations, I urge you to send your Stop Host Desecration e-petition to YouTube.

GO HERE NOW to send your email petition.

To make this petition effective, I need to mobilize over 100,000 Catholics immediately. So please send your best gift to help me spread this petition to 100,000 Catholics over the Internet today.

If thousands of Catholics speak up, I think YouTube will pull the 40 desecration videos, because YouTube policy says:

We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech …
And desecrating the Holy Eucharist is “hate speech,” in my book.

Please send YouTube your STOP HOST DESECRATION petition today.

GO HERE NOW to send your email petition.

God bless you!
Robert E. Ritchie
Executive Director


Rebekah said...

Have you thought of creating a Facebook group for this? It's a very efficient way to get a lot of people to act. MANY college students would join up FAST. Thank you for making the issue known. My heart bleeds for Christ.

Anonymous said...

I've sent in my letter but wanted to let you know there is an error in one of the e-mail addresses.
dns-admin"@google.com should not contain the quotation mark "
Unless this is removed, the e-mail will not be sent. I removed the " and was thus able to send my e-mail. Others may not be inclined to put the effort in to solve the problem so making it as easy for them to send the letter is the best solution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. God Bless.
Cynthia Valencia

Anonymous said...

Could someone please look at this video of his and identify either the Church or the priests in it?


Anonymous said...

I'm more offended by your desire to censor the internet.

Shut up and respect the rights of other people to say what they want. They don't have to be nice.

Also, if you're going to get all "holier than thou" on somebody for one act of blasphemt, why not petition Youtube to remove every video filmed on Sunday? They're violating the Sabbath, aren't they?

In short,
Your religion does not deserve special treatment just because you're a sensitive whiner.

GandalfDaGraay said...


There is a Facebook group:

We have over 3,000 members and rising.

I realize that you don't share my views on religion. But I think it's important for me to respect your views and visa-versa. These videos don't contribute anything to the Internet community: their only purpose is to offend and hurt. That violates YouTube's terms.

Anonymous said...

How do Chris's comments qualify as civil and respectful? Why is is that anti-Gay, anti-Muslim, and anti-Jewish rhetoric (to name a few)is reprehensible but anti-Christian and especially anti-Catholic bashing is laudable? Hope Chris has better things to do than search the web for things to rail against.

Anonymous said...

Chris, someone's 'right' ends where the dignity of another is offended. The rights of my fist ends where your face begins because along with rights, i also have the responsibility to respect you as a fellow human being.

If something is considered sacred by a particular community, everyone has the responsibility to respect that community's beliefs, even if it differs from their own.

Your logic of no film on the Sabbath makes no sense. We're not imposing a rule on anyone, it's calling into attention the already set rule that anything offensive against a specific person/community cannot be tolerated.

Better a sensitive whiner than a illogical anarchist.

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge, desecrating a church, synogogue, mosque, or any of the decorations there would be completely unacceptable in our culture. For Catholics it would be better to watch our churches burned to the ground than to see our Lord, truly present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, desecrated. This is not a something, it is a someone. God forgive us if our culture has fallen this far.

Wordsmith said...

Hey LRS and Prodigal Son! Yeah, it's quite sad. I decided not to join the Facebook group though. I might if the fellow's YouTube Channel address weren't listed on it. But this Dom is an attention-grabber and ought not be given publicity in that way. I refrain from commenting on his YouTube Channel for the same reason. Look, in the end, such flagrant desecration, any desecration of the Real Presence of Christ only takes its significance from what "the little form of bread" is in reality. Ultimately, unfortunately, Sacramental desecration is not new, and Dom's episode will not be the last instance of it. But how good is our Lord! What he was prepared to put up with to institute this great Sign! He took such a risk in doing it! But even though this Sacrament by its corporal nature is easily offended against, yet (to a desecrator's peril) its divine reality cannot but shine forth. Christus vincit!

Anonymous said...

um has anyone bothered to ask how a kid managed to get his hands on so many consicrated hosts? seriously did he rob a church? otherwise he found a sleeve of wafers and is just using them to screw around with you

Anonymous said...

Hey! If the Consecrated Host was 'just bread' the desecraters wouldn't waste their time, now would they? Even the devil BELIEVES in God, but, hates Him just the same! Thus, an Angel from Heaven came down to earth and taught 3 children a very special prayer: "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the sacrileges, outrages and indifference by which He Himself is offended. And through the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of You the conversion of poor sinners." Yes, by all means as the Church Militant we need to stop this abuse if we can, However, the Catholic way is to PRAY and Trust the rest to Almighty God! Let us all pray for that poor soul who is posting these videos, for he BELIEVES as we do, but his heart is full of hate.

Anonymous said...

One of the above Anonymous poster said: "um has anyone bothered to ask how a kid managed to get his hands on so many consicrated hosts? seriously did he rob a church? otherwise he found a sleeve of wafers and is just using them to screw around with you"

I was just wondering the same thing. I haven't watched any of the videos, but I was curious: how do we know they're consecrated hosts? It's not like they sell them pre-consecrated. And I also agree with Stephen that this person is an "attention-grabber" and posting his YouTube Channel address is just going to give him more publicity.

Anonymous said...

I have just checked fsmdude's(19 year old from Quebec Province)videos on YouTube. This is what he posted - he has removed all his videos. Bless the person who sent his Dad the following letter. Good Job.---Mary

""Hello. This message have a rather serious issue. My father received today this letter at our home:

«Dear M. Poulin,
Subject: Dominique Poulin
Dominique Poulin has been identified as the person who is posting videos of Eucharist Desecration on the web site youtube using the account FSMdude. The link to his account is http://fr.youtube.com/user/fsm dude

His posting are very hateful to Catholics. He has a video showing him stealing consecrated hosts from Saint-Félix de Valois in Cap-Rouge. He is doing things with hosts like feed them to ducks, driving nails through them, burning a cross with a magnifying glass, etc. To say the least very disturbing and foolish.

He as had to delete whole web sites that he made in an attempt to hide his identity rather then take down these videos. He seems almost obsessed with making these videos. Even as I write this letter he is adding more disturbing videos. The time right now is 2:47 am ET daylight saving Oct. 17.

Dominique, though nineteen, still lives under your roof and must obey the rules you set down for him. Please require him to remove these videos from youtube.

I will not inform the general public about where he lives. I have informed the Church in Québec and other organization whom act in defense of the Catholic Church. I will not inform the public because with the emotions involved with attacks against any religion someone might do him harm. I dont think that is what Jesus would want. Now that the fore mentioned organizations have been informed where Dominique lives they may decide to take legal action against him.

It took a lot of work but it was not that hard to find out were Dominique lives. Eventually someone else will find out were he lives. I can only hope they will be concerned for Dominiques safety as I am.

I am going to make a French version of this letter use the web site babel fish. Unfortunately the grammar will be a bit off.

I will continue to pray for Dominique & the rest of your family. Good bye.» (anonymous writer)

So, yeah, he found out where I live. My father checked my videos. At first he was saying it was stupid to act this way, that catholicism was his religion and that I souldn't care about what others believes, no matter what. He didn't overreact (we live in Quebec after all). But then I showed him PZ Myer's article (It's just a frackin' cracker), it seems he realised what it was all about, and the conversation ended as: you're putting youself in trouble and they could attack you (he didn't realise that he was underlying the fact that: Yes, there's people nuts enough out there to attack you for a cracker, like mentionned in this anonymous letter.) So the question is: what should I do? There's no way I'm going to say sorry for offending a non-existent being. If I remove my videos, they win. If I don't remove them, they'll put publicly my personal adress (If I weren't living with my father that wouldn't be a problem, but I understand that I live in his house).

So I made my choice: I'm going to remove my videos, BUT! I won't say sorry for offending people over a stupid belief and for offending the invisible alpha male in the sky (who's a great ethnic genocide enthusiast). So you know what, I've been taken down, but I'll let the others take care of this as they see fit.


P.S: Beholdthisheart, you're a fucktard!"