The five-pointed red star, a pentagram without the inner pentagon, is a symbol of communism as well as broader socialism in general.
It is sometimes understood to represent the five fingers of the worker's hand, as well as the five continents.
A lesser known suggestion is that the five points on the star were intended to represent the five social groups that would lead Russia to communism:the youth,
the military,
the industrial labourers,
the agricultural workers or peasantry, and
the intelligentsia.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the red star as a symbol. It was also one of the emblems, symbols, and signals representing the Soviet Union under the rule and guidance of the Communist Party, along with the hammer and sickle.
The star has since become a symbol representing socialism of all varieties.
And today who is promoting this overthrow of America by implementing socialist/communist policies?
On Friday night, Bill O'Reilly showed a clip with Jesse Watters trying to interview the domestic terrorist Billy Ayers. The YouTube video clip of the BOR segment is here.
Here are a couple of screen captures from the segment.
Take special notice of Ayers' shirt:

Coincidence? Hardly...And ask yourself, "Just who/what does he support"? We know that Ayers went to Venezuela to visit with Chavez on "education reform" - otherwise known as indoctrination and brainwashing of children with socialistic ideology.

And we also know that Obama was a member of the "New Party" in the 1990's - a socialist/communist party.

Are these mere coincidences? I believe this is a overt action to demonstrate Barck Hussein Obama's socialist/communist ideology - and many, it seems, are too blind to see or too apathetic to care, despite the numerous articles, facts, and proofs [as posted here in the news clips] that have demonstrated Obama's embracing of communist philosophy.
It should come as no surprise, then, that he views genocidal abortion and infanticide (the murder of those born alive) as a right - indeed, a duty!
With little more than a week to go before the election, and with fraudulent registrations and early voting taking place all over the country, all true Americans need to mobilize to stop these vermin and cockroaches [HT Mark Levin] from taking over our country.
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