Catholic adoption service stops over gay rightsMorally bankrupt policies and laws created by incompetent lawmakers who have demonstrated that they do not care for children at all but only wish to serve the wants of a depraved and hedonistic minority while calling it "equality."
A Catholic adoption agency has become the first to stop finding new homes for children because of the Government's new gay equality laws.
One MP said it was "a tragedy" that the Catholic Children's Rescue Service would have to stop doing the work it has carried out since 1886, and accused ministers of discriminating against Roman Catholics.
Its directors say they have been forced to stop recruiting, assessing or approving couples who want to adopt children because of new legislation which means they cannot follow their religious beliefs by turning away homosexual couples.
Several other adoption agencies around the country have cut their ties with the Roman Catholic Church - which has ruled that gay adoption is morally wrong - in order to comply with the Equality Act....
And who suffers in this arrangement, but the children.
Jim Dobbin, a Catholic Labour MP in Manchester, said: "It is a tragedy....I don't think there was any need for this legislation at all. It was forced through and was all done to avoid discrimination but all it has done is to introduce discrimination against agencies that operate according to the principles of a religious faith.But, we thought that it was permissable - even required - to discriminate against the Catholic Church, especially when the discrimination results in doing violence to children - whether born or unborn...And this is mandated so that disordered homosexuals can now adopt and degrade children and raise them to follow in their debauched lifestyle. What perversion. What an outrage!
"The Government will rue the day when it pursued this line of action. It smacks of a secular attack on the Catholic Church."
Satan has enlisted the stupid, the cunning, the apathetic, and the wicked to take control of governments in order to promote sinful, offensive laws and decrees that destroy the very fabric of society - the family and the Church.
A 140 year old institution chooses to cease doing adoptions because of an illegal and immoral decree which came from the depths of hell, itself. Some might have chosen to fight in order to save the little ones. Perhaps it is doing what it deems best - but in the end, it will be unable to save children from being placed in immoral and repugnant situations. And what a tragedy this is.

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