Prominent Homosexual Activist Says Bestiality OK "As Long as the Animal Doesn't Mind"Sickos and perverts are defining both morality for society and normal behavior for the APA.
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 4, 2008 ( - Long-time homosexual activist Frank Kameny's claim to fame is successfully manipulating the American Psychiatric Association into declassifying homosexuality as a mental disorder, and today the Smithsonian honoree is now busily advocating bestiality "as long as the animal doesn't mind."
Kameny, 83, has had a long career advocating the removal of any restrictions on human acts long considered by sane societies as obscene, dangerous, and disordered.....
Soon, we'll see activist courts deciding that civil "rights" include marriage between and human being and his/her pet - or someone else's pet (Imagine the lawsuits). We may be on the verge of surpassing ancient Rome in perversion, debauchery and hedonism!
Singing "How much is that doggie in the window" may even become a "hate crime!"
Kameny made the bold claim that the founding fathers of the United States implicitly approved of uninhibited sexual exploits or "sexual perversion" when they wrote the Declaration of Independence, because he believes it is part of the "Inalienable Right, of the 'Pursuit of Happiness'".The "Pursuit of Happiness" becomes the "Pursuit of Misery and Death" - and we are to call it "Good!"
It's probably only a few years (or months away). "Family values" will take on another new and corrupted meaning and the sheeple will rejoice in how open minded and tolerant they have become.
But we will be told to think of the new entreprenurial ventures - human/animal dating services, special catering opportunities, a new "breed" of divorce lawyers...
May God have mercy on us! I must go pray and ask God to help me overcome my frustration with this absurdity. Surely, we will be put to the test - may we accept the graces needed to defeat this onslaught of evil!

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