ST. LOUIS — In a 4-3 vote Thursday night, the lay board of St. Stanislaus Kostka church voted to dissolve itself and allow the parishioners to elect a new board at its annual meeting in August, board members said.
The deciding vote was cast by the Rev. Marek Bozek, the church's excommunicated pastor, who also made the motion to dissolve the board. All the board's members have also been declared excommunicated....
Stan Rozanski, a board member who voted to fire Bozek, said Thursday's vote to dissolve the board was probably illegal.
"If there's a legal remedy here, I'll pursue it," Rozanski said. "I was elected to a three-year term by the people of this parish. My family's been a part of this parish since 1905."
More trouble brewing st St Stans...
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