Monday, June 02, 2008

What Kind of a Theologian Are You - Biblical Inspiration

You already know that
"all those things are to be believed with divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the written or orally transmitted word of God, and which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by her ordinary and universal magisterium, proposes for belief as having been divinely revealed." (Vatican Council.)

Can you recognize truths which are divine and Catholic faith?

Try the Following Quiz on Biblical Inspiration.

Give yourself 10 points for each of the 10 questions Which you answer correctly. If you score 95-100, give yourself a SCL (summa cum laude); 90-95, a MCL (magna cum laude); 85-90, a CL (cum laude); 80-85, a BP (bene probatus); 70-80, a P (probatus); 1>-70, a NP (non probatus).

[Answer each "a, b, c, d" with Yes or No]

1. Is it of divine and Catholic faith that God is the author of the Bible through inspiration?

2. a) Can the divine authorship of the Bible be proved by texts from the Bible? and, b) Do the inspired books of the Bible demonstrate their divine origin by their excellence of doctrine, their sublimity of language, and their effects on devout minds?

3. How do we know what books belong to the Bible?

4. Does inspiration mean:
a) that God dictates the book to a human writer?
b) that the human writer receives his ideas by divine revelation?

5. Does inspiration mean that the activity of the human writer is:
a) more than
b) less than
c) the same as the activity of a noninspired writer?

6. Does inspiration mean:
a) that the human writer does not enjoy freedom of the will in writing?
b) that the human writer is moved by God to perform all the action necessary to write a book?

7. Would a book be called inspired because:
a) its author wrote under a divine command?
b) its author was divinely protected from error?
c) it contains divine revelation?

8. Does inspiration exclude:
a) ignorance?
b) doubt?
c) error?
d) mendacity?
e) dullness?
f) bad grammar?
g) obscurity?

9. Does inspiration mean:
a) that each and every sentence in the Bible is equally the word of God?
b) that the Bible has been transmitted to us without error or alteration?

10. Are some parts of the Bible more inspired than others?

Answers next Monday...

Adapted from The Queen's Work Magazine, April 1946

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