Where's Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright?
Can one imagine what these little children are being taught when they are used and exploited in this manner? My God, have these people no decency whatsoever? Evidently not with a priest like Pfleger around.
Gerald Stewart, St. Sabina parish council president, speaks at a rally at the church Tuesday night in support of Rev. Michael Pfleger. (Tribune photo by Terrence Antonio James / June 3, 2008)
A couple scheduled to be married Saturday at St. Sabina Catholic Church and the 51 graduating kindergartners at St. Sabina Academy called on Cardinal Francis George Wednesday to "reinstate" Rev. Michael Pfleger in time for the celebrations this weekend.
The cardinal repeatedly has allowed Pfleger to stay as pastor of St. Sabina, where he's served for more than 30 years, long beyond church policies that limit pastors to two 6-year terms in a parish.Why? Why was this man given such preferential treatment? Because he refused to be moved as some have insinuated, threatening a revolt or rebellion?
Church leaders said they would meet with the cardinal to discuss the hiatus he forced on their pastor.Cardinal George "forced" this on Pfleger? Is everyone blind? Pfleger willfully did this to himself and the Church.
This priest and his followers need therapy, and soon!

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