Friday, May 07, 2004

Proper Formation in Celibacy Urged for U.S. Seminaries

John Paul II urged U.S. bishops to ensure that candidates to the priesthood are receiving a "mature and balanced" formation in celibacy and a correct theological understanding of the Church.

Proper formation in chastity and celibacy remains an essential component of seminary training, together with the presentation of a solid and correct theological understanding of the Church and the priesthood," he said.

In particular, the Pope called for "a clear and precise identification of those positions which are not compatible with the Church's authoritative self-understanding, as expressed by the Council and the documents of the post-conciliar renewal."

"This is a personal responsibility that falls to you as pastors concerned for the future of your local Churches, and one that cannot be delegated," John Paul II reminded the bishops.
Zenit Article here.

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